
With each passing of 8 months throughout the year, a batch of graduate mechanical engineers completes their studies at AEMA, and each graduating event gives us the same amount of delight and pleasure each time.
On May 3rd, 2024, the 40th GME batch celebrated their graduation. The Guest of Honour for the event was Cmde. (Dr.) Vivek Chawla, Campus Director of IMU (Mumbai Port Campus), accompanied by Capt. K.N. Deboo, Director of AE Institutes, and Mr. Francis Akkara, Vice-Principal of AEMTC.
The main event in the AEMA auditorium was opened by Cadets Ankit Emmi and Anurag Mirdha, the hosts of the event. Principal Capt. Suneel Sule then took to the stage and warmly welcomed the Chief Guest, parents, press, colleagues, and staff to the GME batch 40 Passing Out Parade (POP) occasion. He took the opportunity to inform the audience about the last two internal fests – Oceania and Manthan held at AEMA. Adding humor to his address, he expressed concern that the Indian film industry might attract cadets from the maritime industry due to the remarkable talent displayed in the campus’s cultural and sports events.
Shortly after, Mr. Tejinder Bhamra, Vice-Principal of AEMA stepped onto the stage and delivered a thorough Course Report. In addition to highlighting the batch’s accomplishments and examination results, Mr. Bhamra conveyed a crucial message in his speech that is imperative to mention here! He stressed the significance of upholding a professional ethos grounded in core values and kindness, underscoring that each individual serves as an ambassador of their country. The notion that making mistakes for the first time is understandable, but to repeat them is a choice struck a chord with the audience, and the report concluded with resounding applause.
The event then unfolded in the cultural segment and the audience was filled with excitement and joy and the auditorium resounded with loud claps.
Capt. KN Deboo was then warmly welcomed to the stage, commencing his address by emphasizing the importance of a safety-conscious culture and the pivotal role of the human factor in the shipping industry. He aptly referenced this year’s theme for IMO – “Navigating the future: safety first!”. Sharing a personal incident, he imparted a clear and concise message on perseverance, urging the youngsters to always embody this quality and maintain a mindset to seize every opportunity that comes their way.
Address of Mr. Francis Akkara can be precisely summed up in three pointers: Safety, Environment, and Integrity, where he seamlessly took the audience on a journey to realize the importance of ensuring your own safety, safety of others and of the ship and reading the instruction booklet thoroughly and never taking shortcuts.
Cmde. (Dr.) Vivek Chawla, Campus Director of IMU, was then cordially invited on stage to share some words with the graduating batch. He was really impressed by the top-notch teaching and training facilities and gave kudos to the institute and the management.
He made the audience aware of the major shipping projects that are undergoing by the government of India and spoke about the initiatives taken by the Indian Maritime University (IMU) and urged the young cadets in the audience to keep an eye out on the IMU website to be updated about these initiatives.
When it came to talking about careers in the merchant navy, he didn’t sugarcoat it – he acknowledged the challenges but said it’s totally worth it if you’re passionate about it. He even stressed the importance of understanding the customs and traditions of the places and countries the seafarers will be working in, echoing what Mr. Bhamra said earlier. Ending on a motivational note, he said, “Remember, the best investment in life is knowledge” and wrapped up by reminding everyone about the importance of loyalty and integrity.
The program subsequently transitioned to the Prize distribution ceremony, where Cadet Sangram Singh Deshmukh was honored as the “Best Overall Cadet of GME 40” and Cadet Sourav Prakash received the recognition as the “Topper in Academics.”
The festivities concluded with the customary presentation of token of appreciation to the esteemed guest and the unveiling of AMA’s quarterly in-house magazine, Seaward Bound.
Expressing gratitude, Cadet Sangram Singh Deshmukh on behalf of the GME 40 delivered the vote of thanks, followed by a spirited rendition of the national anthem. Afterward, the dignitaries proceeded to a lunch gathering, before bidding farewell to the campus, carrying with them cherished memories and a fulfilling experience.
Heartfelt congratulations to the GME 40 batch on reaching this significant milestone. We extend our best wishes to them as they embark on their journey to become proficient mariners, representing the Anglo-Eastern legacy with pride and ensuring safe voyages!